President Obama delivers the 2015 State of the Union Address to Congress Photo from Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images |
A Look at
Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address
- by Dr. Jay Wendland
- by Dr. Jay Wendland
On Tuesday, January 20, Barack Obama delivered his 6th
State of the Union [SOTU] Address in front of both houses of Congress. The SOTU is constitutionally mandated, so
every year we are given the President’s take on where he hopes Congress will
focus its efforts over the following year. Usually we hear a laundry list of policies and programs the President
would like to see implemented; however, this year was a bit different. While we did hear a number of policies Obama
would like passed, we mostly heard a positive speech on how the United States
can work together and make the country better. He went back to the speech he gave at the 2004 Democratic presidential
nominating convention (Obama’s first time in the national spotlight) in which
he stated that there is not a red America and a blue America, but rather the
United States of America.
Obama laid out plans for what he believes will make America
prosper over time. He called on Congress
to focus on “middle class economics,” with the goal being to help working class
families get through the economic pains many are feeling. Part of his plan is making community college
free for all students who wish to attend. The goal here is to get Americans the education they need to succeed in
the workplace. By ensuring everyone has
access to this level of education, Obama believes this will better prepare U.S.
citizens for the ever-changing workforce. Obama also called for increasing the minimum wage nationwide. Some states have already increased their
minimum wage (New York increased its minimum wage from $8/hour to $8.75/hour as of
Jan. 1) and Obama has issued an executive order increasing the minimum wage for
federal employees to $10.10/hour. However, Obama must rely on Congress to increase national minimum wage
which is currently set at $7.25/hour. In
his call to Congress, Obama stated that if any Congress member believes he or
she could survive on $15,000 per year (the annual salary for someone making
$7.25/hour), then he or she ought to “Try it!” A final part of Obama’s call to focus on the middle class was paid maternity
leave and earned sick leave. He called
on Congress to pass a bill allowing for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave and the
ability of any worker to earn paid sick days. We are the only democratic country in the world that does not allow for
paid maternity leave, something Obama has now called on Congress to
change. Further, because not all workers
are able to earn paid sick leave, many are forced to choose between staying
home with a sick child or going to work and forcing a sick child to go to school
or daycare.
Obviously we will see debate and argument about most of
these policies and ideas throughout the upcoming year. In fact, because Obama is a Democrat and both
houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans we will probably see a lot
more fighting than normal. In her
Republican response to the SOTU, Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) reiterated that the
Republicans won in the midterm elections last November (Ernst being one of
these recent victors) and their ideas ought to be given attention rather than
Obama’s ideas. The American public spoke
in November and they voiced strong support for Republican reform, Ernst
argued. Taking into account both the
SOTU and the Republican response, we can see quite clearly that we are in for a
lot of partisan fighting over the next two years.

Dr. Jay Wendland received his doctorate from the University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy and specializes in campaigning, elections and voter behavior. In his courses, Dr. Wendland emphasize the importance of an active, involved electorate. His blog post reminds us that elections matter, and that it is our responsibility and duty as citizens to be informed.