Showing posts with label Cassie Sakelos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cassie Sakelos. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2014

More Spring 2014 Student Internships

Check out where our History & Political Science Majors are Interning this Spring!

The History and Political Science Department encourages our students to connect theory and practice by pursuing internship opportunities as a pathway toward individual career goals.

Cassandra Sakelos (Political Science, 2014)
Cassandra Sakelos, a Political Science major, is interning at the Office of Child and Family Services in the Native American Services Department.  Cassie chose her internship placement, in part, because of her aspirations to become a lawyer dedicated to the protection of the rights and interests of under-represented minorities and groups.

Cassie writes: "I chose this placement because I wanted to engage in policy review....What initially interested me was that I'd be dealing with both Native American law and state law.  I was intrigued by the Native American judicial system and had done an independent study [focused on the representation of Native American legal interests and rights within the U.S. legal system].

In the Fall 2013 semester, Cassie successfully defended her Senior Thesis Research Project which examined issues of state political capacity in dealing with international drug cartels, utilizing Mexico as a case study. Cassie will graduate in May and is preparing to apply to law school. 

Kadeem Johnson, a Political Science major and General Business Minor in interning with the Buffalo Urban Fellows Program: "I began my internship this February, working in downtown Buffalo at City Hall in the Office of Citizens Services. I and five other interns were assigned to assist with Mayor Bryron Brown's "State of the City" speech where citizens were updated on the City's major progress in infrastructure, crime deterrence, education and job creation. Currently, we are working on two programs being implemented immediately: the National Day of Service on April 1st, followed by the "Beautify Buffalo" initiative, both of which relate to my personal interest in city planning.  I've found this position to be a great opportunity and a unique placement that could not have been obtained without the assistance of the Daemen faculty and [Office of Career Services].

Kadeem also successfully defended his Senior Thesis Research Project last semester.  His project examined the challenges facing the modern Republican Party in light of changing demographics and party polarization. 

Kadeem Johnson (Political Science, 2014) stands on the steps of Buffalo's City Hall Building

To Learn more about internship opportunities, please contact your faculty advisor in the History & Political Science Department or visit the Career Services Office at Daemen College.