Showing posts with label ABA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ABA. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wondering About the Likelihood of Getting Accepted to Law School?

A Useful Tool for Calculating Your Odds of Getting Accepted

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) has released a useful tool that allows you to put in your GPA and LSAT score and see where your GPA and LSAT score falls relative to the 25th-75th percentile based on the 2017 full-time admission data.  You can find the tool here. Be sure to carefully read the information on how to use the tool and interpret the results.

While it is not a guarantee, the tool allows you to reasonable predict your chances at admission and can inform your decision on where to apply. The tool also helps you see where your LSAT needs to be to have a reasonable chance of admission at particular schools of interest.

Remember, not all ABA accredited schools are equal in terms of value and the best fit for your particular circumstances and goals. Law school is expensive.  Admissions rates do vary from cycle to cycle and depend on the applicant pool -- timing matters too.   Sometimes its better to wait, take a gap year, gain life or work experience, and apply later than it is to attend a law school just because they are willing to accept you.

For Future LSAT Takers

A new option to commercial preparation courses and self-study you might want to check out: the Khan Academy has partnered with the LSAC to offer free LSAT preparation.  Check it out here.