Showing posts with label Moot Court Experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moot Court Experience. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2016

Pre Law Student Association (PLSA) Mock Trial

2016 Mock Trial Simulation

On April 20, the Pre Law Student Association (PLSA) hosted its 14th Annual Mock Trial Simulation. Participants are provided with a case packet consisting of witnesses statements, a stipulated fact pattern, and applicable law.  From these raw materials, the teams must develop a strategy and prepare everything from the opening remarks, direct and cross examination of witnesses, to the closing arguments on their own. The teams practice separately, forcing them to anticipate their opposition's case until the day of the actual trial.  For witnesses this is especially challenging -- they are practice their direct questioning with their team's counsel but are not subject to any practice cross-examination until the day of the big event.  The case materials, moreover, are written to give both sides a fair chance at prevailing, with a few curve balls and obstacles thrown in for good measure.  The jurors -- student volunteers from related political science courses -- render a verdict at the conclusion of the event.

Over 100 students have participated in the event since mock trial's debut at the 2003 Academic Festival as attorneys, witnesses, and jurors.  Many of those students have gone on to law school or careers in related fields and recall moot court as a fun experience that allowed them to practice their oral advocacy and presentation skills.  

This year's case was a criminal matter involving two counts of disorderly conduct and assault with a criminal enhancer for a "hate crime."  The case placed a high school senior on trial for an altercation where the victim was allegedly chosen for her sexual orientation.  The presentation of the case was followed by a "talk-back" session where participants and audience members could discuss the case and jury's verdict. 

What was unusual about this year's event was that it was the first time where the participants were all female -- and the gender of the participants in the role became as much a topic of discussion as did the LGBT issues during the talk back -- whether the gender of the students playing the character roles impacted the jury's perceptions of the legal claims or facts in dispute.  

In the end, the jury returned a split verdict, finding the defendant guilty of disorderly conduct but declining to convict on the assault. The jury failed to find that a hate crime had taken place, determining instead that the altercation was the consequence of adolescent disagreement in which both the victim and alleged perpetrator bore responsibility.  

Presiding over the event was Special Guest Judge, Sarah Rodman, who graduated from Daemen College in 2012 with a degree in Political Science and a minor in Pre Law. While at Daemen, Sarah organized a musical show-case event, Raise Your Voice, in order to bring awareness to LGBTQ bullying issues.  Her legal field interests are Intellectual Property law as pertaining to the fashion and design sector, as well as Copyright Law in the Entertainment sector. Her interest in the entertainment sector stems from her extensive musical and theatrical background. With over 16 years of private vocal training, both in Buffalo and NYC, she is trained in classical/opera and Broadway. Sarah is currently interning with the Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project. She will graduate from the University at Buffalo School of Law in May 2016.

The Prosecution

Representing the state and carrying the burden of proof in this criminal matter were: 

Assistant District Attorney: Jessica Maulucci (2016, Political Science) is a Student Alumni Ambassador. She has minors in Pre-Law Studies, Criminal Justice, Psychology, and General Business. She is interested in becoming a criminal prosecution attorney and will be attending law school in the fall. She has been accepted to Albany Law School, St. John's University, University at Buffalo, and Stetson University.  

Assistant District Attorney: Jasmine Favors (Political Science 2017) has an interest in becoming a criminal prosecutor. She plans on attending law school in either the New York City vicinity or out of sate after Daemen College.

Witness (Officer Bugg Winchester): Jenil Bell (Political Science 2017) is interested in going to law school and becoming a lawyer after graduating from Daemen College. 

Witness (Pat Walters): Brooklyn Crockton (Political Science and English ) likes to eat ice cream while watching court room dramas. She is considering law school as one of several options upon graduation.

Witness (Tina O’Reilly): Hannah Gerber (Political Science 2018) is a member of the Pre-Law Association. She is interested in becoming a criminal lawyer and plans to attend law school after graduating from Daemen College.

The Defense 

Defense Attorney: Imani Evans (Political Science 2018) is involved in Pre-Law association and is highly interested in politics, preforming arts, and communications. Her dream is to host her very own talk show.

Defense Attorney: Sassy Fernandez (Business Administration 2016) is specializing in International Business with a minor in Pre-Law. Her interests are economics, politics, and fashion. Sassy has played tennis for five years including one year on the Daemen Women's Tennis Team. She is currently interning for Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) in downtown Buffalo.

Defense Attorney: Taqiyah Gibbons (History and Political Science 2018) is the Vice President of the Black Student Union and a member of both the Pre-law club and the History and Government Club. In the future she is planning on becoming both a Historian and a Lawyer.

Witness (Vice Principle Faye Zelleger): Fati Haruna (Political Science 2018) is captain of the step team, as well as a member of many different clubs on campus that promote diversity and creativity. She has always had an interest in the court system and attended Moot Court last spring at the academic festival as a juror.

Defendant (Carson White): Shamella Jeffers (History and Political Science 2018, minor in Black Studies) is the Sophomore class president, Historian of Cynergy and Secretary of Club Caribana. She wants to be an A.P. U.S. History teacher after being in the classroom for a few years. She also wants to work for the Department of Education to change the history curriculum.

Witness (Dana Reuter): Kayla Stannard (Physical Therapy BA:2018 DPT:2020) is a sister of Sigma Omega Chi sorority and is in the Honors Program and CRU as well. She participated in Moot Court throughout high school and was in the event at Daemen last year as a juror.
in schools.

Faculty Sponsors of the Event included: Dr. Lisa Parshall, Associate Professor of Political Science & Pre Law Advisor (PLSA Advisor), Dr. Jay Wendland, Assistant Professor of Political Science, and Dr. Heike Peckruhn, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Student Clubs--organizational meetings!

The History & Political Science Department is home to three student clubs--join us to plan activities for the year at our organizational meetings (keep reading for more information!).
H&G Club visits Old Fort Niagara in Spring 2014
  • The History & Government Club and the Pre-Law Student Association will be holding a joint organizational meeting on Tuesday, September 16, from 11:30 until 12:30 in DS235. We will be electing club officers and planning activities. Students from all majors are welcome to join both clubs.
  • The AAUW Student Club will hold a joint organizational meeting on Friday, September 12, from 11:30 to 12:00 in DS218. We will also be electing club officers and planning activities. The club is open to students from all majors.
Q: Which club should I join?

Members of the History & Government Club share a common interest in history and politics. In the past, this club has organized trips to historic sites (nearby and distant), sponsored events on campus, and met to socialize over shared interests.
The Pre-Law Student Association includes members who are interested in politics and law. The club's signature event is the Moot Court Experience at Academic Festival, but in past years the club has also sponsored events on campus (voter registration drive! Constitution Day activities!) and off campus.
The newly forming American Association of University Women (AAUW) Student Club focuses on gender equity, educational access for women and girls, and women's empowerment.

If you are interested but cannot make it to the meeting, please contact club advisors:
  • Pre-Law Student Association: Dr. Lisa Parshall ( )
  • History & Government Club: Dr. Penny Messinger ( or Dr. Aakriti Tandon ( ) 
  • AAUW Club: Dr. Penny Messinger (

H&G Club and PLSA host a party to watch election results in Nov 2012

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Alumni Updates

Check out what some of our recent graduates are up to these days! 

Sarah (2013, Political Science)
Sarah Rodman (2013, Political Science) is currently a J.D. candidate at the University at Buffalo School of Law.  While at Daemen, Sarah was active in multiple campus activities (including the Pre-Law Student Association and its Annual Moot Court experience) and organized "Raise Your Voice," a musical performance to raise awareness and fight bullying. Sarah also completed an internship with the American Bar Association through the Washington Internship Institute (in 2011) and wrote her senior thesis on the crises of judicial vacancies in the U.S. district courts. Sarah is now a Summer Associate at the Law Offices of William Matar, P.C. in Buffalo, NY. 

Victoria (2011, Political Science) 

Victoria Velazquez (2011, Political Science) is currently a J.D. candidate at the Charlotte School of Law and recently completed an externship at the 6th Circuit's Public Defenders Office. While at Daemen, Victoria served in the Army National Guard and wrote her thesis on the issues facing veterans returning from the Iraq War. 

Wade (2013, Political Science) at the 2013 Academic Festival.

Wade Pietrocarlo (2013, Political Science) is currently a J.D. Candidate at the University of Baltimore School of Law.

Wade writes that his experiences at Daemen helped to prepare him for the rigors of law school: 

"My classes in judicial process, criminal law and constitutional law were immensely beneficial in preparing me for law school...having that knowledge base and foundation put me slightly ahead of other 1L law students....Our senior thesis, although unappreciated and dreaded at first, came to be an invaluable learning exercise. As a lawyer...the preponderance of your time is spent writing...Moot Court was also vital for me as I will be on the Baltimore Law Moot Court team. This transition was greatly assisted by my 3 years serving as counsel on Daemen's Mock Trial team."

Wade offers the following advice for those considering law school:

"Become an avid reader and writer. 90% percent of my time is dedicated to reading and briefing cases, and to writing and forming arguments based on my reading and research. Attending law school is essentially a full time job, so do not apply unless you are ready to commit to it entirely. However, I do still have time on the weekends to go out, grab a drink, watch a sports game or hang out with friends." 

Wade's interests are primarily focused on healthcare law and tax law, with working as hospital in-house counsel or in medical risk-management among his possible long-term career goals. While at Daemen, Wade wrote a senior thesis on medical malpractice reform in New York State.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Student Presentations at Academic Festival 2014

The Moot Court Experience celebrated its 12th year as a highlight of Academic Festival. Here they are ready to start. Front Row: Jessica Mark, Jessica Maulucci , Aesha Sanders. Second Row: Zahra Nayyeri, Carla Hernandez, Jessica Todd, Caitlyn Ebert, Jordan Sieracki, Tom Aldrich, Mitch Altman-Cosgrove Third Row: Troy Hamlin, Nigel Hayes, Emily Kraft, Jarret Streicher, Amy Grimes (not pictured: Special Thompson)

On Wednesday, April 17th, students from the History & Political Science Department put their learning on display in an impressive array of presentations that included the Moot Court Experience; a Model UN Simulation, Senior Thesis & Independent Research presentations, a presentation by students who participated in the Poland Summer Program, and poster presentations from the Legacies of the Sixties first-year Learning Community.

 The Moot Court Experience


Nigel Hayes, a member of the prosecution team, questions witness (Troy Hamlin) with defense witnesses at center, and jury members on right. At far left of photo is Caitlyn Ebert, lead attorney for the defense

The Moot Court Experience celebrated its twelfth year as a highlight of Academic Festival. Moot Court is the signature event of the History & Political Science Department's Pre-Law Student Association (PLSA). This year's case centered upon a charge of sexual harassment. After the trial, audience members and court participants engaged in a "talk-back" session (in collaboration with members of the newly-forming student AAUW club). This year's trial united the legal simulation with issues of fundamental importance in society and the workplace, adding a new dimension to the event.

Lead prosecution "attorney" Special Thompson questions defense witness (Zahra Nayyeri) as judge (Mitch Altman-Cosgrove), jury, and defense team (Caitlyn Ebert,Carla Hernandez, and Jordan Sieracki) observe.
Dr. Lisa Parshall (far left of photo) reprised her role as bailiff and Moot Court coach

Since its inception, more than 100 students, from a wide array of majors, have participated in this event as attorneys and witnesses. Scores more have served as jurors. Moot Court is a student-focused event that develops and celebrates the advocacy skills of aspiring legal professionals and future community leaders. Former participants have gone on to attend law school, to practice law, to serve as community organizers and policy advocates, to become business leaders and executives, and to pursue advanced graduate studies.

This year's guest judge, Mitchell Altman-Cosgove, was a 2013 graduate (Political Science, Pre-Law Minor) and winner of the 2013 Daemen College Alumni Senior Award.  Mitch, along with three other participants from last year's event, is finishing up his first year of law school.

The (victorious) defense team.
Front: Carla Hernandez, (judge) Mitch Altman-Cosgrove, Zahra Nayyeri
Back: Jordan Sieracki, Jessica Mark, Caityn Ebert,Tom Aldrich

The prosecution team: Jarret Streicher, Amy Grimes, Emily Kraft, 
(judge) Mitch Altman-Cosgrove, Nigel Hayes, Troy Hamlin 
(not pictured: Special Thompson)

For more information about the Pre-Law Student Association, contact Dr. Lisa Parshall, Associate Professor of Political Science and Pre-Law Advisor (lparshal @ ). 



 Model UN Simulation

Many students from Dr. Aakriti Tandon's International Relations class took part in a Model United Nations Simulation, which Dr. Tandon added to the Academic Festival roster of events in 2013. Students participated as UN moderators and as national representatives of member states. This year's simulation focused on a resolution about nuclear armament of Iran and the country's refusal to cooperate with the UN or engage in talks with the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, and Israel.

Students representing member states & the United Nations panel included Francois Acosta, Christina Auguste, Jenil Bell, Ashley Cheff, Anthony Difrancesco, Ryan Fritton, Thaddeus Gibson, Allison Goodwin, Nigel Haynes, Christina Heppner, Stephen Kem, Paige Kippley, Zahra Nayyeri, Luke Schaefer, Daniel Vennero, Keyla Marte, China Palmore, Nicholas Paveljack, Kathryn Procknal, Manuel Ramirez, Hannah Wolfanger, Sarah Zammiello, and Mei Yan Zhan.


Student Research: Senior Thesis Presentations (Political Science) & Independent Readings Project (Women's Studies)

An afternoon session at Academic Festival featured senior thesis research by two political science majors, along with a presentation of an independent reading project in women's studies.

Amber Zielinski (Political Science major, December 2013 graduate) presented her thesis research, which explained how action on climate change is kept off the Congressional agenda as policy is being formulated

James Stumpf (Political Science major, class of 2014), presented findings from his research on the degree of municipal stress in Erie County's towns and villages.

Elizabeth White (Physical Therapy major, Women's Studies minor), presented insights from
her Independent Readings course (in Women's Studies) on the history of women in medicine and science

Polish Studies Program

Dr. Andrew Wise introduces Elizabeth White, Caitlyn Ebert, and Chelsea Sieczkarek

Three of the students who took part in last summer's Study Abroad program in Poland shared photographs and described what they had learned about World War II and Public Memory in Poland. The students spoke about many dimensions of their experiences in Poland, emphasizing the scope of public memorials to the victims of the Nazi and Soviet occupations and their own service learning work in the Jewish cemetery in Przemyśl, where students were centered. They also talked about what they had learned by interacting with Polish students and by visiting historical sites (including memorials to World Wars I & II and the Holocaust). Caitlyn Ebert emphasized the powerful impact of Holocaust memorials; Elizabeth White discussed women's role in Polish resistance movements during World War II, and Chelsea Sieczkarek emphasized that cultural traditions currently observed in Poland are different than those preserved by her family in Buffalo (such as Dyngus Day). Another trip to Poland is planned for this summer: contact Dr. Wise (awise @ to learn more.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

March is Women's History Month at Daemen


All events are free and open to the public. Join us!

Monday, March 3
7:30 -10:00pm Alumni Lounge in Wick Center
“North Country”
The real life story of a single mother who has to confront a system of sexual harassment when she takes a job as a miner in Minnesota. Fine performance by Charlize Theron. Directed by Niki Caro. 
Daemen College Film Series, Commentary by Dr. Penny Messinger, Associate Professor of History

Thursday, March 6
7:00- 8:00 pm, Visual & Performing Arts Center, Room 20, Sr. Jeanne File Room
Beth Hinderliter lecture, “Post Socialist Art in Migration:
Dr. Beth Hinderliter, Associate Professor of Art at Buffalo State College, will address the transition from friendship amongst nations to anti-immigrant riots
Sr. Jeanne File, OSF Memorial Art History Lecture Series

Tuesday, March 18
7:00 – 8:00 pm, Research and Information Commons (RIC), Room 101
Kandace Brill Lombart, “Ruth Stone & Her Daughters:  the Topography of Artistic Collaborations between a Poet, an Artist & a Writer”
Literary scholar Dr. Kandace Lombart explores the literary legacy of renowned poet (and 2009 Pulitzer Prize nominee) Ruth Stone (1915-2011), with emphasis on Stone’s influence on her daughters. Our speaker began her undergraduate education at Daemen, then known as Rosary Hill College.
Co-sponsored by the Daemen College Women’s Studies program and the English Department

Wednesday, March 19
7:00 – 9:45 pm, 107 Schenck Hall
“9 TO 5”
A 1980 comedy starring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomblin, and Dolly Parton as office workers serving justice to their boss, a “sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.” (IMDb)
Open classroom for IND269:  Hollywood's America. Sponsor: Dr. Shawn Kelley, Professor of Religion

Friday, March 21
12:20-1:15 pm, 236 Duns Scotus
Dr. Serife Tekin, “Medicine and Identity: Lessons from Henrietta Lacks”
Henrietta Lacks died in 1951 from a malignant cancer, which also gave rise to HeLa, the first human immortal cell line. HeLa has made possible countless medical discoveries, but Lacks’ story raises disturbing ethical questions:  Is it ethical to use human subjects without consent? How did Lacks’ intersectional identity—as an African American woman from a low-income background—shape the ways in which she was wronged in the medical context?
Open classroom for PHI 321: Medical Ethics. Lecture by Dr. Serife Tekin, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
** Refreshments included

Friday, March 28
12:20 – 1:15 pm, V20 Visual & Performing Arts Center
“The Artist Is Present”: film & lecture on Marina Abramovic
“The Artist Is Present” examines the career of Marina Abramovic, a pioneer in the development of performance art. The compelling documentary focuses on her 2010 retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, and the accompanying three month performance by the artist.
Open classroom for ART 446: History of Contemporary Art. Lecture by Dr. Laura Sommer, Associate Professor of Art History

Monday, March 31
6:30 to 8:30 pm, Wick Alumni Lounge
The Vagina Monologues
Eve Ensler’s renowned play comes to Daemen, with performances by our students, staff, and faculty! The play has inspired action, including the V-Day movement, which seeks to empower women and to end sexual violence throughout the world. Join us for the performance and stay for a discussion by participants and audience.
Brought to you by Daemen’s Visual & Performing Arts Department & Daemen’s Women’s Studies Program

Coming attraction:

Wednesday, April 16
**time and location TBA on Academic Festival calendar**
This year’s Moot Court Experience at Academic Festival will feature a mock trial and talk back session on sexual harassment. The event is a collaboration between the Pre-Law Student Association (PLSA) and the new American Association of University Women (AAUW) student club.

For more information on these events or for information on pursuing a Women’s Studies Minor at Daemen, please contact Dr. Penny Messinger (pmessing @

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pre Law Student Association holds Organization Meeting

Daemen College Pre Law Student Association (PLSA)

Hello Everyone!

Every year the Pre Law Student Association (PLSA) presents its annual Moot Court Experience at the Academic Festival. This year's case is a civil case involving a claim of work-place sexual harassment. 

 We'll be having an organization meeting on 11:30 am on Tuesday, February 11, in the History and Political Science Department (235 Duns Scotus Hall).  Students of all majors are welcome to participate. We'll organize into 2 teams -- plaintiffs and defendants -- with 3 lawyers and 3 witnesses per team. We'll be asking for volunteer jurors as well. This year we'll be coordinating our event with a Academic Festival panel sponsored by the new AAUW Affiliate Student Club (American Association of University Women). 

Please stop by our meeting to learn more about the event and how you can participate. If you are interested in taking part, but can't make the meeting, you may also email the PLSA president, Jordan Sieracki, directly ( or contact Dr. Parshall in the History & Political Science Department for further details (

And please be sure to check out the new Pre Law Student Association Website where you'll find additional information about the Annual Moot Court Experience and Pre Law Studies at Daemen College.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Student Club Officers Elected

Emily Kraft (President) and Amy Grimes (Vice President) of the History & Government Club
displayed photos of the Club's recent behind-the-scenes-tour of the
Theodore Roosevelt Inauguration Site in Buffalo.
At the 2013 Campus Fair
Tyler Vanice (Vice President) and Jordan Sieracki (President) of the Pre Law Student
 Association handed out pocket-sized constitutions to celebrate Constitution Day.
At the 2013 Campus Fair
The History & Government Club & Pre-Law Student Association (PLSA) have elected new officers for 2013-2014

Elected to represent the History and Government Club were Emily Kraft (president), Amy Grimes (vice president) and Jessica Mark (secretary/treasurer).

Elected to represent the Pre-Law Student Association were Jordan Sieracki (president), Tyler Vanice (vice president) and Ashley Cheff (secretary/treasurer).

Please join us in congratulating the new slate of officers and be sure to contact them if you are interested in joining the clubs or participating in club activities!

Club meetings are held once a month and all interested students (of any major) are welcome. At these meetings the officers and members will plan events and activities, sponsor speakers and organize local trips. Come to the meetings to help plan activities and events, network with your colleagues and engage with campus life. 

The Pre Law Student Association will be hosting its annual Moot Court Experience in the Spring. Interested moot court participants are encouraged to attend PLSA meetings. 

Watch this blog for more information about club news and events, including the History & Government Club's upcoming trip to Gettysburg, PA!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Alumni Updates

Updates on some of our Past History & Political Science Graduates:

Alexander Marks (2008, History & Government) graduated from Massachusetts School of Law in 2011.  He is currently serving as In-House Counsel & Government Affairs Director for the Arizona Student's Association in Phoenix, Arizona.

In his time at Daemen, Alex was president of the Pre-Law Student Association (PLSA) and Vice-President of the History & Government Club.  Alex says that participating in the Pre Law Student Association's (PLSA) Annual Moot Court Experience was one of his favorite experiences for his time at Daemen.  

Saladi Shebule (2013, Political Science) is a Power Organizer for the Coalition of Economic Justice in Buffalo, New York.  

Saladi wrote his senior thesis on the Acculturation Challenges of the Somali Bantu Refugees in Buffalo, New York, which he presented at a "Seminar on Engagement with Refugee Students and Communities in Buffalo" (A conference held on Daemen College Campus, October 18, 2012 and co-hosted by the History & Political Science Department and Center for Sustainable Communities and Civic Engagement).  Saladi was also a presenter at World Refugee Day (A conference held on Daemen College Campus, June 20, 2013 and co-hosted by the History & Political Science Department's Refugee Studies Program and the Center for Sustainable Communities and Civic Engagement).  

In his time at Daemen, Saladi was an active member of the History & Government Club and a frequent participant in the Pre Law Student Association's (PLSA) Annual Moot Court Experience. 

Tyler Threehouse (2011, Political Science) is in his final year at the University at Buffalo School of Law and is currently serving as Head Law Clerk at Lipsitz Green Scime Cambria, in Buffalo, New York.  While at Daemen, Tyler was active in the Pre Law Student Association (PLSA) and a regular participant in the Annual Moot Court Experience.  

Congratulations to all of our graduates and best wishes on your continued success!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pre Law Studies at Daemen College--11th Annual Moot Court Experience

Another Successful Event: The Pre Law Student Association's 11th Annual Moot Court Experience

     The Pre Law Student Association presented its 11th Annual Moot Court Experience at the 2013 Academic Festival back in April.  For this year's competition, the students put on a criminal case (homicide by negligent handling of fire). Since 2003, over 94 different students from a variety of majors have participated in the event. 

The Defense Team (left to right): Special Thompson (Senior-Psychology), Sarah Rodman (Senior-Political Science), Samantha Spicer (Senior-Paralegal Studies), Wade Pietrocarlo (Senior-Political Science), Mark Poblocki (Freshman-Psychology), and Amy Grimes (Junior-History & Government-Adolescent Education).

The Prosecution Team (Front row/back row): Jill Spytman (Senior-English Language and Literature), Mitchell Altman-Cosgrove (Senior-Political Science), Jordan Sieracki (Sophomore-History & Government), Emily Kraft (Sophomore-History and Government-Adolescent Education), Sarah Ramsberger (Freshman-Physician's Assistant), Thomas Aldrich (Freshman-Political Science).

Presiding over the case was guest judge, Courtney Donovan, the 2012 History and Government Department Valedictorian. Courtney will be starting her second year at the University of Buffalo School of Law in the Fall and currently holds a legal internship at New Era Cap, Inc. in Buffalo. 

If you are interested in joining the Pre Law Student Association or taking part in the 2014 Moot Court Experience, please contact the History & Political Science Department's Pre Law Advisor, Dr. Lisa Parshall at